Ways and Tips Mangaktifkan / Turning On and Off / USB flash disk Repeal Right

Usb flash disk is one of the computer part that is currently booming and rising prestige around the world. Its small and easy to carry anywhere is a suitable tool for the exchange or move-menindahkan file from one place to another with ease. Large storage capacity and prices that were increasingly affordable to the pockets of most people in Indonesia to figure this one product sales increased from time to time.
Behind its simplicity it usb flash drive contains a weakness that we need to know. Usb flash is a product that is sensitive and easily damaged if we are not careful and do not know how to correct operation.

To turn on / turn on the usb flash disk we just flashy flash disk into a usb port on the back, front, or on a cable connection and hub on our computers. If you do not find a suitable port or plug the usb flash disk, then most probably you must add a usb port by buying or borrowing from others. Having successfully entered the usb flash operating system will automatically detect and add a flash drive into the computer. If you are still using windows 98 then you have to install the usb driver ports on your computer. You can get it by searching your driver installation cd which is usually given in conjunction with a flash disk that we receive, or download it from the site of flash products we buy. If you are using Windows 95 to the bottom, then you should re-install your windows to a newer windows.

Flash disk is required to revoke a special way and caution, because if you unplug the usb flash disk when performing a data transfer can be fatal damage to husband's dance on usb flash so it can not be used or improved. Too difficult to fix, because not many experts and many will recommend you to buy a new one.
If we have finished using the usb flash disk then we should not just pull out, but first we turn off the function. The first you have to do is find the icon that when we point with the mouse will appear the words "Safely Remove Hardware" located at the bottom right corner of your screen (windows), right click on the icon kamudian and select "Safely Remove Hardware" on sticking or popping choices. Then, after that select the stop and was followed by selecting ok. Wait a while until a list of hardware to be empty and the resulting signs stating that the hardware (usb flash disk) has been safely be removed, because the hardware is turned off or disabled. Then select the close and the last is unplug your usb flash disk, and have kept in a safe place.
Hopefully durable flash disk and if there is damage before the warranty runs out immediately contact the store where you bought the flash for a warranty claim. Usually if the warranty has not run out, the flash disk will be replaced with new ones. Good luck.


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